Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa approved a resolution to let the U.S. build military bases on the Galápagos Islands, 600 miles west of Ecuador’s coastline in the Pacific Ocean. The U.S. Armed Forces will arrive on Jan. 10 with ships, submarines, personnel, weapons and military equipment to control and patrol the region. The military base is…
Home » Human needs before profits » Housing crisis significantly worse in 2024 Capitalism, and class societies generally, have always been defined by poor housing conditions for the working classes. Contrary to popular myth, homelessness is not the result of individual failures or particular party governance, but rather an inbuilt inequity in the distribution of…
NEW YORK — The Group of 77, a bloc of developing nations at the UN, has chosen Palestine’s delegation as its chair for 2019, a move that will likely be seen as a diplomatic win for Palestine and a loss for Israel and the U.S. The latter two countries have been arguing against increasing Palestine’s…
Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa approved a resolution to let the U.S. build military bases on the Galápagos Islands, 600 miles west of Ecuador’s coastline in the Pacific Ocean. The U.S. Armed Forces will arrive on Jan. 10 with ships, submarines, personnel, weapons and military equipment to control and patrol the region. The military base is…
Home » Human needs before profits » Housing crisis significantly worse in 2024 Capitalism, and class societies generally, have always been defined by poor housing conditions for the working classes. Contrary to popular myth, homelessness is not the result of individual failures or particular party governance, but rather an inbuilt inequity in the distribution of…
Before the U.S. elections, incoming President Donald Trump claimed he wanted to see an end to the war in Ukraine. In fact, he bragged that he could stop the conflict “within 24 hours of taking office.” (The Hill, Dec. 30) Chicago, mid-May 2012, during week of anti-NATO actions. WW PHOTO Recent developments, however, show there…
Catalinotto, redactor gerente de Mundo Obrero/Workers World, entrevistó al periodista y escritor europeo Alex Anfruns acerca de su libro Níger: ¿Otro golpe de Estado o Revolución panafricana? 2024, El viejo topo, Barcelona, John Catalinotto: Decidiste escribir un libro sobre los acontecimientos ocurridos en el Sahel africano en el último año y la expulsión del imperialismo…