Half of the population of Haiti — 5.4 million workers — don’t get enough to eat every day. According to the United Nations World Food Program, 2 million Haitians — the Internally Displaced People (IDP) driven from their homes by political violence — are facing extreme food shortages, acute malnutrition and high levels of disease.…
Home » LGBTQIA2S+ liberation » WW Commentary: No more murdered siblings: Justice for Sam Nordquist! On Feb. 14, police in Canandaigua, New York, found the dead body of Sam Nordquist, a 26-year-old trans man of color, after he endured several months of torture. Canandaigua is about 30 miles southeast of Rochester. Memorial vigils have been…
While other continents have largely dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic, much of Latin America is in meltdown, as cases soar, bodies pile up, and anger mounts. Its new wave of neoliberal leaders, mistrustful of collective action in any situation and extolling the virtues of individualism in a collective public health crisis, are making the problem…
The world is in the midst of a COVID-19 crisis and in our corner of the planet, a presidential campaign has been reduced to a single issue: Trump or not Trump. Pick your poison. At a time that calls for national leadership, or least debate on the issues, Congress has unanimously passed the two-trillion-dollar Coronavirus…
The Great Gray Hope has bowed out of the presidential primary race, leaving tottering Joe Biden as the last Democrat standing. What Bernie Sanders accomplished electorally was remarkable, revealing both how far a progressive can venture and the limits proscribing further advancement to the left within the Democratic Party. Sanders pushes the limits of…
TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS — MintPress News went to Honduras and spoke with a number of leaders of the Honduran resistance amid a 66-day uprising over a neoliberal austerity deal reached between the government as the country marked the 10-year anniversary of the U.S.-backed coup d’etat. Last Thursday, the Honduran government passed a privatization law, the run-up…
The full quote by Porfirio Díaz is: “Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States.” Mexican President Díaz (1876-1880 and 1884-1911) got it at least half right. Mexico has suffered in the shadow of the Colossus of the North, but Mexico is not poor. Mexico is rich in many ways,…
GrayzoneProject — Barack Obama urged bankers to thank him for helping make them so much money during his tenure as president. He also boasted of turning the US into the world’s largest oil producer. Obama made his appeals for elite adulation at a lavish gala hosted by former Secretary of State James Baker and surrounded…
Latin America is re-converting into Washington’s backyard and as a sideline is returning to fascist rule, similar but worse than the sixties seventies and eighties, which stood under the spell of the CIA-led Operation of Plan Condor. Many call the current right-wing trend Operation Condor II which is probably as close to the truth as…
It’s darkness at the break of (tropical) high noon. Jean Baudrillard once defined Brazil as “the chlorophyll of our planet”. And yet a land vastly associated worldwide with the soft power of creative joie de vivre has elected a fascist for president. Brazil is a land torn apart. Former paratrooper Jair Bolsonaro was elected with 55.63 percent…
In Part 1 of our investigative series on Surveillance Capitalism, MPN spoke to author Yasha Levine and Monthly Review editor John Bellamy Foster about the rise of the Amazon.com empire and its fusion with the U.S. state apparatus. In our next installments, we will continue exploring the rise of Surveillance Capitalism and the implications of…
MEXICO CITY, — With a presidential election approaching, the crowds assembling here Tuesday for International Workers’ Day — or May Day, as it’s know the world over — were more animated than usual, the floats and rallies resembling performance art. Thousands poured into Mexico City’s main square, the Zocalo, to hang in effigy the wage-killing…
LONDON — You can call the Ecuadorian government’s disconnection of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s internet connection and ban on contact with the outside world a lot of things: unfair, treacherous, a signal of surrender to the West. Such was the reaction of internet users and journalists throughout the world following an announcement by Ecuador that…
If there is a founding document of social democracy it is Eduard Bernstein’s ‘Evolutionary Socialism’. Written in 1899, it taught the leaders of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) that capitalism had permanently stabilised; that socialism would be achieved through parliament – not the industrial class struggle – and that the working class of the…
Half of the population of Haiti — 5.4 million workers — don’t get enough to eat every day. According to the United Nations World Food Program, 2 million Haitians — the Internally Displaced People (IDP) driven from their homes by political violence — are facing extreme food shortages, acute malnutrition and high levels of disease.…
Home » LGBTQIA2S+ liberation » WW Commentary: No more murdered siblings: Justice for Sam Nordquist! On Feb. 14, police in Canandaigua, New York, found the dead body of Sam Nordquist, a 26-year-old trans man of color, after he endured several months of torture. Canandaigua is about 30 miles southeast of Rochester. Memorial vigils have been…
Home » Prisons: tear them down » Temple students’ forum on political prisoners Philadelphia A forum entitled “Solidarity and Political Prisoners” was held to educate students and others about the case of Pennsylvania political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal on Feb. 22 at Temple University in Philadelphia. The event was sponsored by the Black Student Union at…
By J Hagler “The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity,” said fictional Captain Picard of “Star Trek: The Next Generation.” China conducts world’s first full-chain, system-wide ground verification for Space Solar Power Station (SSPS) in Xi’an City of northwest…