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Voltaire, International Newsletter N°99

The newsletter is published in several languages. Several foreign ministries from different countries have already subscribed. However, it presents a view of the world so different from that of the subsidized press that, in France, the Press Joint Committee refuses to recognize it as a publication in its own right. According to the Commission, “we…

The financial lobby pleads for European integration by the bankers

Voltaire Network | 13 September 2024 Italian banker Mario Draghi delivered his report on the "Future of European Competitiveness" on 9th September. The document, in two volumes of more than 400 pages, pleads for European integration by the bankers. Draghi notes the EU’s limited investment (32% of GDP) compared to the United States (142% of…

China Blocks US Navy Request For Hong Kong Port Visit

In an sharp deterioration of diplomatic ties, China has blocked a request for a U.S. warship to visit the post of Hong Kong, the U.S. consulate in the Chinese city said on Tuesday, amid rising tensions between Beijing and Washington over escalating tariffs and a U.S. decision to impose sanctions on China’s military for engaging…

Mood Darkens as US, Japan, North Korea Start Throwing Punches on Way to the Ring

WASHINGTON — As the U.S. summit with North Korea fast approaches, both countries are jostling to preserve their respective interests. The tense signals, subtle shifts in position, and U.S. provocations make clear that the summit won’t be short on tough negotiations. Despite the honeyed words of previous months following U.S. President Donald Trump’s agreement to…

Protests Sweep Japan to as Right-Wing Government Pushes for Further Militarization

TOKYO — Massive protests took place across Japan on Thursday to mark 71st Constitution Memorial Day as tens of thousands of people rallied against Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s continued attempts to scrap the pacifist aspects of the 1947 U.S.-penned Constitution. The protests drew up to 60,000 participants in Tokyo alone, where Japanese people of all…

National Hygiene and “Inferior Offspring”: Japan’s Eugenics Victims Demand Justice

TOKYO – The Japanese government is promising to pursue a nationwide study of a nearly 50-year policy of forced sterilizations, vasectomies and abortions that sought to eliminate disabled people from society by preventing the birth of “inferior offspring.” Known as the Eugenic Protection Law, the inhumane policy was introduced in 1948 under U.S. military occupation…

Amid Marine Base Hazards, Okinawa Struggles With New Wave of US & Japanese Militarization

GINOWAN CITY, OKINAWA — A spate of recent incidents surrounding U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma has shaken the residents of the densely populated city of Ginowan, Okinawa, thrusting the tense history of relations between Japan, the U.S. military, and the locals in Okinawa Prefecture back into the global spotlight. Nearly half of the 50,000…

Japan wants to trade with Russia using yen, not dollar

Japan has offered Russia to use yen in the mutual financial accounts instead of the...

“Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed into oblivion to give a brutal message to the Soviet Union”

70 years ago today, the US brought nuclear annihilation to Hiroshima. Dropped on a...

Latest articles

Voltaire, International Newsletter N°99

The newsletter is published in several languages. Several foreign ministries from different countries have already subscribed. However, it presents a view of the world so different from that of the subsidized press that, in France, the Press Joint Committee refuses to recognize it as a publication in its own right. According to the Commission, “we…

The financial lobby pleads for European integration by the bankers

Voltaire Network | 13 September 2024 Italian banker Mario Draghi delivered his report on the "Future of European Competitiveness" on 9th September. The document, in two volumes of more than 400 pages, pleads for European integration by the bankers. Draghi notes the EU’s limited investment (32% of GDP) compared to the United States (142% of…

Miguel Enríquez, una vida fecunda que perdura en el tiempo.

Miguel Enríquez, una vida fecunda que perdura en el tiempo. Por Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein El autor es un soldado, diplomático y analista antiimperialista de Venezuela. El 5 de octubre se cumplen 50 años de la caída en combate de Miguel Enríquez, secretario general del Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR) de Chile. Hace unos años en…

Despite ongoing genocide in Gaza/Next phase of polio vaccination campaign proceeds

The polio vaccination program in Gaza began Sept. 4 after a series of Israeli evacuation orders forced repeated relocation of United Nations operations centers. U.N. spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said, “The conditions in Gaza made it extremely, extremely difficult for us to do our work. The U.N. had to evacuate its humanitarian aid hub in the…