Half of the population of Haiti — 5.4 million workers — don’t get enough to eat every day. According to the United Nations World Food Program, 2 million Haitians — the Internally Displaced People (IDP) driven from their homes by political violence — are facing extreme food shortages, acute malnutrition and high levels of disease.…
Home » LGBTQIA2S+ liberation » WW Commentary: No more murdered siblings: Justice for Sam Nordquist! On Feb. 14, police in Canandaigua, New York, found the dead body of Sam Nordquist, a 26-year-old trans man of color, after he endured several months of torture. Canandaigua is about 30 miles southeast of Rochester. Memorial vigils have been…
Washington DC — (Scheerpost) — The long nightmare of oppression of Palestinians is not a tangential issue. It is a black and white issue of a settler-colonial state imposing a military occupation, horrific violence and apartheid, backed by billions of U.S. dollars, on the indigenous population of Palestine. It is the all powerful against the all powerless. Israel uses its modern weaponry against…
Dear Mr. Kennedy, Following your interview with Shumuel Boteach, I feel I must write to you. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Miko Peled, I was born in Jerusalem in 1961 to a patriotic Israeli family. My father was a general in the IDF. My grandfather signed the Israeli Declaration of Independence,…
Ain Al-Hilweh is known as the “Capital of Palestinian Shatat.” The term might not stir many emotions among those who do not fully understand, let alone experience the harrowing existence of ethnic cleansing and perpetual exile – and the tremendous violence which followed. ‘Shatat‘ is roughly translated into “exile” or “Diaspora.” However, the meaning is…
The late Israeli commentator, Uri Avnery, expressed his concern about the Israeli-Palestinian struggle taking on a more religious character. At first glance, the statement may seem baffling. If Israel is a ‘Jewish State’ that serves as a ‘homeland’ for all Jewish people, everywhere, does it not follow that the ‘struggle,’ at least from an Israeli…
Africa could potentially be the much-needed ally for the Palestinian cause, and Israel is well aware of this fact. However, the issue lies in the lack of active pursuit of such an alliance. Transforming Africa, a natural candidate for an alliance, into a committed working ally to advance the cause of a free Palestine from…
The Israeli press is abuzz following a “New York Times” piece by Thomas Friedman in which he discusses U.S. President Joe Biden’s attempt at forging a strategic U.S.-Saudi alliance, including a crucial normalization clause with Israel. Recently, President Biden granted an interview to Friedman, during which this strategic alliance was a topic of discussion. As…
Israel is a nation grappling with deep internal divisions, and unfortunately, it is the Palestinian people who are paying the heavy price. Recently, a group of Israeli reservists known as “Brothers In Arms” made headlines by refusing to fulfill their reserve duty in protest of the newly passed “Judicial Reform.” Their stated concern was for…
It is a new era in Palestine. This new era is taking shape before our very eyes, through the blood, tears and sacrifices of a brave generation that is fighting on two fronts – against the Israeli military occupation, on the one hand, and collaborating Palestinians masquerading as a ‘leadership,’ on the other. But how…
As the anticipation built for Israeli president Yitzhak Hertzog’s (Isaac Herzog) visit to Washington, DC insiders scrambled to hide the fact that Israel is a racist state. At first, the center of the crisis was the incomprehensible fact that someone had told the truth about Israel. Yet House Representative Pramila Jayapal, a progressive democrat, would…
Seymour Hersh / Substack — Lunch with Tom Frank is a totally American experience. He’s a proud native of Kansas but far from a country boy: he got his doctorate from the University of Chicago and has written a series of influential books. He likes people, food, and telling it like it is. He teases…
This is the perfect opportunity for Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas, to exit the stage. But he will not. Abbas’ brief visit to the devastated Jenin refugee camp in the northern occupied West Bank on July 12 demonstrated the absurdity and danger of the PA and its 87-year-old leader. As he walked, Abbas struggled to…
The deadly Israeli invasion of Jenin on July 3 was not a surprise. Also unsurprising is the fact that the killing of 12 Palestinians, wounding of 120 more and the destruction of nearly 80 percent of the Jenin Refugee Camp’s homes and infrastructure will not make an iota of a difference. Even Israeli Prime Minister…
Half of the population of Haiti — 5.4 million workers — don’t get enough to eat every day. According to the United Nations World Food Program, 2 million Haitians — the Internally Displaced People (IDP) driven from their homes by political violence — are facing extreme food shortages, acute malnutrition and high levels of disease.…
Home » LGBTQIA2S+ liberation » WW Commentary: No more murdered siblings: Justice for Sam Nordquist! On Feb. 14, police in Canandaigua, New York, found the dead body of Sam Nordquist, a 26-year-old trans man of color, after he endured several months of torture. Canandaigua is about 30 miles southeast of Rochester. Memorial vigils have been…
Home » Prisons: tear them down » Temple students’ forum on political prisoners Philadelphia A forum entitled “Solidarity and Political Prisoners” was held to educate students and others about the case of Pennsylvania political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal on Feb. 22 at Temple University in Philadelphia. The event was sponsored by the Black Student Union at…
By J Hagler “The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity,” said fictional Captain Picard of “Star Trek: The Next Generation.” China conducts world’s first full-chain, system-wide ground verification for Space Solar Power Station (SSPS) in Xi’an City of northwest…