Half of the population of Haiti — 5.4 million workers — don’t get enough to eat every day. According to the United Nations World Food Program, 2 million Haitians — the Internally Displaced People (IDP) driven from their homes by political violence — are facing extreme food shortages, acute malnutrition and high levels of disease.…
Home » LGBTQIA2S+ liberation » WW Commentary: No more murdered siblings: Justice for Sam Nordquist! On Feb. 14, police in Canandaigua, New York, found the dead body of Sam Nordquist, a 26-year-old trans man of color, after he endured several months of torture. Canandaigua is about 30 miles southeast of Rochester. Memorial vigils have been…
After five years of highly contentious rule, Haitian president Jovenel Moïse was scheduled to finally step down last week. However, his announcement that he would stay in office for (at least) one more year brought fresh impetus to nationwide protests that have continued almost unbroken since 2018. The protests have led to hundreds of deaths…
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top scientist on the Coronavirus taskforce, is being reproached after it was revealed last month that he was “moving the goalposts” on coronavirus herd immunity. But his long history of misleading the American public, or getting things completely wrong, remains unscrutinized — until now. Before I get started on Dr. Fauci’s…
With attention fixed on this week’s events in Bolivia, you would be excused for not realizing that much of the rest of the region has for weeks also been ablaze in the flames of protest. In Costa Rica, the neoliberal coalition government of Carlos Alverado attempted to force through a $1.75 billion loan from the International…
After decades escaping justice, the United States finally deported death squad leader Emmanuel “Toto” Constant back to Haiti yesterday. Constant, leader of the infamous Revolutionary Front for the Advancement and Progress of Haiti (FRAPH) paramilitary, was immediately arrested as he touched down on the tarmac in Port-au-Prince, 26 years after he fled to the United States,…
Last week, the State of Massachusetts began implementing a contact tracing program in partnership with a Boston-based organization with ties to the biggest names in big pharma, the George Soros’ Open Society and the Clinton Foundation. Those ties go back decades and include U.S. intelligence assets and regime-change operations in Haiti including Operation Uphold Democracy,…
Emmanuel “Toto” Constant exercised his insurance clause as soon as he was apprehended in the Spring of 1995 in New York by the extant Immigration and Naturalisation Service (INS), now a part of the Department of Homeland Security. The infamous leader of Haiti’s Front for the Advancement and Progress of Haiti (FRAPH) had to flee…
For a population of 11 million people, Haiti has only 62 ventilators and barely 100 intensive care beds. The Caribbean nation spends just $13 per capita on healthcare, less than 10 percent of what even its neighbor the Dominican Republic spends. And while the country officially has only 47 COVID-19 cases, nobody believes that figure. While tests are hard…
PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI — Even as U.S. President Donald Trump seeks to inspire a military coup against the elected president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, evidence is mounting that the U.S. government is enabling American mercenaries to violently quell a popular uprising in Haiti. MintPress News previously examined the parallels between the uprising in Haiti and the…
As Judas betrayed the Son of Man with a kiss for 20 pieces of silver, the institutionally corrupt governments in Port-au-Prince and Santo Domingo have written another sad chapter in their nation’s history. Ironically, it was Venezuela that helped to develop the island’s energy infrastructure in recent years. A key part of this is the REFIDOMSA oil refinery in…
PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI – Throughout recent Latin American history, it is hard to find a country that has been as thoroughly manipulated and plundered by the United States as Haiti has. After over a century of U.S. intervention — from the 19-year-long U.S. military occupation that began in 1915 to the 2010 election rigged by the…
I was in Cuba when the Oxfam “Caligula” sex scandal in Haiti broke. Knowing my work in the field, a colleague with years of experience working in disaster response agencies asked me what I thought. When I had the chance to catch up on the story, my response included, “I wasn’t surprised.” She was horrified. “Underage girls…
Half of the population of Haiti — 5.4 million workers — don’t get enough to eat every day. According to the United Nations World Food Program, 2 million Haitians — the Internally Displaced People (IDP) driven from their homes by political violence — are facing extreme food shortages, acute malnutrition and high levels of disease.…
Home » LGBTQIA2S+ liberation » WW Commentary: No more murdered siblings: Justice for Sam Nordquist! On Feb. 14, police in Canandaigua, New York, found the dead body of Sam Nordquist, a 26-year-old trans man of color, after he endured several months of torture. Canandaigua is about 30 miles southeast of Rochester. Memorial vigils have been…
Home » Prisons: tear them down » Temple students’ forum on political prisoners Philadelphia A forum entitled “Solidarity and Political Prisoners” was held to educate students and others about the case of Pennsylvania political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal on Feb. 22 at Temple University in Philadelphia. The event was sponsored by the Black Student Union at…
By J Hagler “The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity,” said fictional Captain Picard of “Star Trek: The Next Generation.” China conducts world’s first full-chain, system-wide ground verification for Space Solar Power Station (SSPS) in Xi’an City of northwest…