These maps, drawn up by the Pentagon General Staff in 2001, were published by Colonel Ralph Peters in 2005. Today, in 2025, we are witnessing the continuation of this program.
Since October 7, 2023, we have been witnessing a massacre of Palestinians, an invasion of Lebanon and Syria. For two weeks, the war has been moving to Yemen.
As always, the international media segments the information and explains each event to us by certain local factors, sometimes correct, sometimes false. While we are struggling with this mixture, we fail to perceive that all these events belong to a larger plan and that it is not possible to win on a front if we do not know how far it extends.

Admiral Arthur Cebrowski
What we are witnessing is the third stage of the plan developed by Donald Rumsfeld and Admiral Arthur Cebrowski in 2000 [1]. In the American tradition, which General Smedley Butler summarized in his famous 1933 speech “War Is a Racket” [2], the Pentagon has set itself the mission of destroying all political institutions in the “Greater Middle East” (i.e., an area from Algeria to Kazakhstan to Somalia, with the exception of Israel and possibly Morocco).

General Smedley Butler
Smedley Butler explained: “I have served 33 years and 4 months of active service, and during that time I have spent most of my time as a thug for the corporate world, for Wall Street, and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster in the service of capitalism. I helped secure Mexico, especially the city of Tampico, for the American oil companies in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a suitable place for the men of the National City Bank to make profits. I helped rape half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the benefit of the American bank Brown Brothers from 1902 to 1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the benefit of the American sugar companies in 1916. I delivered Honduras to the American fruit companies in 1903. In China, in 1927, I helped the Standard Oil company do its business in peace. »
Today, the US armed forces, whose mission is not to defend the territorial integrity of their country, but to defend capitalism in its darkest version (the defense of the US homeland is the sole responsibility of the National Guard), have been destroying Iraq since 2003, Libya and Syria since 2011, Yemen since 2014, and soon Iran.

Dr. Henry Kissinger
Dr. Henry Kissinger is quoted as saying, “It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.” [3]
This is what Muammar Gaddafi said at the 2008 Arab League summit: not only does the United States not respect its allies, they are usually its first victims. He used the example of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, a former CIA agent who was hanged after his country was defeated, and warned his colleagues. [4] Yet he later formed an alliance with President George Bush Jr. and dismantled his nuclear arsenal. He was warmly thanked for it before his country was destroyed and he was lynched. [5]
In 2002 [6], Saudi Arabia narrowly escaped destruction. But that is only a postponement. In this sinister game, each domino is destined to fall one after the other. Without exception.
According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), an authority on the arms trade, the United States supplied Israel with $22 billion worth of weapons during the massacre of Gazans. These weapons include, among other things, 70,000 tons of bombs, as many as were used to destroy Dresden, Hamburg and Tokyo during World War II.

Benjamin Netanyahu
We persist in holding Benjamin Netanyahu responsible for the ethnic cleansing in Gaza. True, he is the one who took responsibility for it in line with the statements of his master Vladimir Ze’ev Jabotinsky, but he is only a minor executor of Washington’s policy [7]. Similarly, we can accuse Netanyahu of implementing the Oded Yinon plan [8] in Lebanon and the plan A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm [9] in Syria. All this is important, but partial.

Keir Starmer
We persist in holding the British responsible for the rise of sectarianism in the Middle East. True, it was they who, with Lawrence of Arabia, organized the Great Arab Revolt of 1916-1918 that brought the Saudis and the Wahhabi sect to power in Saudi Arabia. Certainly, it was they who, with Lord Herbert Samuel, organized the Great Arab Revolt of 1936-1939 in Mandatory Palestine. Certainly, it was they who, with Sir James Craig, organized the Arab Spring of 2011-2012 that brought the Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt. And it is they, again, who stand behind Ahmad el-Chareh in Damascus today. But if they systematically support the wars of the United States and always take advantage of them to profit, they are not the ones leading the game.
Today we see the war moving to Yemen. This country is already deeply marked by the preliminary operations that have been taking place there since 2014: nearly 400,000 deaths, direct or indirect. Officially, Israel is responding to the bombings of Ansar Allah, officially the United States and the United Kingdom are responding to the attacks on ships in the Red Sea. But Ansar Allah is only supporting the Gazan civilians massacred by the IDF, which is what we should all be doing. The United Nations Security Council, meeting on December 30 in New York, could only face the facts: “Only through a united and coordinated approach can we hope to achieve peace and security for all the peoples of Yemen and the region.” There has been only one war in the broader Middle East for 23 years.
The Pentagon is moving forward at a forced pace, knowing that on January 20, Donald Trump will be re-sworn in as President of the United States. However, it was he who, on May 21, 2017 in Riyadh, stopped the “endless war” by demanding that certain Arab regimes stop supporting terrorist organizations affiliated with the Pentagon [10]. This had to be interrupted until the rigged elections of 2020.
[2] War is a racket, Major-General Smedley Butler, Sacred Truth Publishing.
[4] The author was present in the council chamber throughout the 2008 summit.
[5] The author was a member of the last government of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
[9] “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm”, by Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, July 1996, was attributed to its signatories, primarily Richard Perle and Douglas Feith. However, according to the latter, the text was written by David Wurmser without the signatories having the opportunity to modify it. See “Credit for Israel Report Clarified,” Douglas Feith, Washington Post, September 16, 2004.