Now, Israel suddenly cleared itself in the incident, saying they learned through a “confession” (For years, Israel has demanded/extracted confessions from Palestinian children accused of crimes, but the papers they are asked to sign are always in Hebrew, translators not included) that the boy smashed his head on his bicycle. Israel’s desperate propagandists who apparently think people will believe absolutely anything, have stooped to a new low.
16-year old Ahed Tamimi, whose fiery hair captured the hearts and admiration of millions, is the Palestinian girl who slapped a heavily armed Israeli soldier in the face who was trespassing on her family’s property, she is Mohammed’s older cousin. She attacked the Israeli soldier after learning that Mohammed had been shot in the head with a lethal rubber bullet, by Israeli Defense Forces.
The voice behind the lie, that the lad suddenly “admitted” that he simply hit his head on his bicycle, Israel’s Maj. Gen. Yoav Mordechai, is the Israeli coordinator of government activities in the occupied territories. As Haaretz writes, Mordechai. “Expects us to believe that tens of Palestinians and a few Israelis conspired to concoct a huge lie in order to slander the…” (Tamimi family)

Mohammed Tamimi, Ahed Tamimi’s 15-year-old cousin, sits in his family home in Nabi Saleh, recovering from a serious head injury sustained after being shot by Israeli troops on Dec. 15. Relatives say Mohammed’s injury was one of the triggers for Ahed Tamimi’s outburst later that day in which she kicked and slapped two Israeli soldiers, Jan. 5, 2018. (AP/Majdi Mohammed)
Famous for their role in protesting and exposing Israeli apartheid in the West Bank town of Nabi Saleh, the Tamimi family has faced years of violent reprisals from Israeli police and military for asserting their right to self-determination.
The world reacted sharply to the boy’s story. He is terribly disfigured from the injury, and Israeli rubber bullet was surgically extracted from his head. The story embarrassed Israel because it showed both the bravery of a child standing up against a violent occupying force, and the utter, extreme cruelty the Israeli militants exhibit toward children by shooting them up close, frequently leaving them disfigured like Mohammad Tamimi, and all too often, dead. Killing and maiming members of the Palestinian population has long been a cultural trait of the Israeli occupational forces.
The 15-year old boy was gravely injured and left in a coma for four days. It took two operations, “to remove a rubber bullet lodged in the back of his brain after being shot at close range by Israeli forces. He has been unable to attend school for at least six months because of the injury,” Middle East Eye reported. With regard to Mordechai’s incredible attempt to say the kid injured himself, the writer added, “Not only are there witnesses of Mohammed being shot by Israeli forces in December, a CT scan of his brain before undergoing surgery clearly shows the bullet lodged in the back of his skull.”
Israeli Major General Yoav Mordecai says Mohammed #Tamimi was not hit by an Israeli bullet, but rather fell from his bicycle.
Here is a photo of the bullet that was removed from Tamimi’s head.
And a CT scan showing it before it was removed.
— Mondoweiss (@Mondoweiss) February 27, 2018
The Jerusalem Post explains that the Israeli’s raided the Tamimi home while everyone slept early Monday morning, and that the arrest of several members of the household including Mohammed, preceded his alleged “confession”:
“The teenager was arrested in a pre-dawn raid on his home Monday along with eight other people in the village, on suspicion of involvement in public disturbances and nationalistic terrorist activity, according to an IDF representative.
“Mohammad was questioned by police and a civil administration officer and then released, the representative said. Mordechai said that during his interrogation, Mohammad confessed that the handbags of a bicycle caused his injury after he fell off.”
Terrorist activity? It never ends with Israel, Palestinians are always branded “terrorists” for simply defending themselves, and African migrants are branded as, “labor infiltrators” for trying to live in the Jewish state. The labeling is damaging and dangerously deceptive, and the problem only grows over time as evidenced by this current story.
- Four Days in Palestine: My Time with Bassem Tamimi
- Rosario Dawson, Angela Davis, Cornel West Among 27 US Figures Calling for Release of Ahed Tamimi
- Israeli Military Court Delays Trial of Ahed Tamimi
- Ahed Tamimi Speaks of Her Struggle: “All I Wish Is for Palestine to Be Free”
The JP article carried statements from the Tamimi family, who said, “Israel has gone out of its mind in its attempt to discredit our family. What began as a far-fetched claim we are not a real family has descended into an attempt to deny documented reality.” The Tamimi family says Mordechai and Israel have proven only one thing – “that they will stoop to any depth to harm our just struggle for freedom and an end to the occupation.”
In response, and in order to prove the impossibility of Mordechai’s alleged “confession,” the family released his medical records, in English, from Istishari Medical Hospital in Ramallah, which stated that it had treated him for a “bullet injury.”
Israel has a long, sordid history of lying about actual events. The Zionist regime whose corrupt prime minister is facing charges of fraud and worse, has been solidly behind all of it for years and years and now he is circling the drain and getting ready for the big flush due to his exposed corruption. What chance do the Palestinians have as long as Israel lies and the US news media faithfully reports it?
Just the idea that a government would concoct this story, sadly, proves that Israel has no adherence to truth in any possible way.
The fake news element is just sickening. The tragedies just go on and on.
Top Photo | Mohammad Tamimi, 15, with his mother, at his home in the occupied West Bank village of Nabi Salah on 13 January. (Photo: Heidi Levine/Sipa Press)
Tim King is a former US Marine who covered both the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. He specializes in Middle East politics and military developments.
American Herald Tribune is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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