On 25th of January 2018 telephone conversation between the presidents of Turkey and USA took place. During this conversation they discussed Turkish operation in Syrian Afrin. According to the Turkish leader, R. Erdogan, the purpose of operation «Olive branch» is provision of national security of Turkey and mopping up of terrorists in Afrin. In the course of conversation with D. Trump, Turkish president has also summoned USA to stop military support of Labor party of Kurdistan, party “Democratic union” and forces of self-defense of the Kurds. All these organizations are considered by Ankara as terroristic. In response, the head of White House appealed his interlocutor to focus on the struggle with terroristic organization “Islamic state”. The parties have also agreed to develop the “strategic partnership” in the areas of “assistance to regional stability and fight with terrorism in all its forms, including ISIS, «al-Qaida» and terrorism sponsored by Iran», in particular. Following the results of the conversation, leaders of two states declared about the «necessity of stabilization of united Syria».
On the next day, 26th of January of the current year, president of Turkey R. Erdogan making a speech in front of the administration of the «Party of justice and development» ruling in the country, told about his plans to expend military operation in Syrian region Afrin further in the East, down to border with Iraq, – the agency Associated Press reports. Average reader can ask relevant question «how one can tend to the stabilization of situation in Syria and simultaneously initiate new military actions in Arabic republic?» Actions of Turkish leader raise many questions, since last year we repeatedly heard his declaration about the necessity to eliminate the disagreements by peaceful political way. With the mentioned purposes in the last spring Ankara together with Moscow and Teheran have done really titanic work the results of which was signing in May 2017 of Memorandum on the creation of zones of de-escalation in Syria. This landmark document should stretched the regime of ceasefire in war-struck Middle East state. In general, the achieved arrangements should allow separation of Syrian opposition from the terror groups «ISIS», «Jabhat al-Nusra», provision of safe and unhampered access into the created zones of de-escalation, and also contribution to the recover of infrastructure objects, water and power supply, in the first place. All this should create conditions for the safe return of civilians of the regions to their homes.
Let us recall that Memorandum approved by Moscow, Ankara and Teheran, implies the creation of above mentioned special zones of de-escalation: the first one is located in the North of Syria (Idlib province, north-eastern regions of Latakia, western regions of Aleppo province and northern regions of Hama province), the second is located in the north of Homs province (Ar-Rastan and Telbiseh etc), the third is Eastern Ghouta, the fourth is located in the south of Syria in the regions of Deira and Quneitra bordering with Jordan.
What do we see now? As one of the participants of the process of political regulation of Syrian conflict and not thinking about the consequences, Ankara decided to make away with the Kurds forever under the pretext of fight with Islamists. Thus, from the January 2018 Turkey began carrying out of military operation «olive branch» against Kurd organizations in Syrian Afrin. Despite Syria sovereignty violation by Ankara contradicting to all international arrangements, the public ignored it. What do we have now? It seems that Turkey forgot about its promises, concerning regulation of Syrian conflicts by peaceful way, now R. Erdogan tends to deal with his old enemy – the Kurds, while other representatives of international community pay maximum efforts to stop the military actions in Middle East republic.
We also would like to draw readers’ attention to the following:
We would like to draw reader special attention not only to Ankara violation of the developed and signed memorandum about the ceasefire in the created de-escalation zones, where the province Idlib is included, and some regions of Aleppo province, but also mean cooperation of Turkish army with ISIS militants. According to some data, Turkish army engages for the struggle with the Kurd groups, ISIS militants sided with pro-Turkish groups «Syrian free army», «Sultan Murad battalion», «El Sharkie», «Liva Deral El Heseke» etc. In particular, there was noted participation the following members of ISIS on the side of Turkey in Afrin:
– leader of the group «Liva Deral El Heseke», Evdil Qadil Siveç;
– Emmar Ebduleziz El Abbas, was known in ISIS as Abu Hamsa;
– Hemed El Abdullah, 1995 year of birth
– Muhemmed Emin Esyud, 1975 year of birth
– Ahmed Emin Esyud, 1983 year of birth
– Adnan Sileman El Salim, 1983 year of birth.;
– Samir Newaf El Xellufi;
– Emmar Musa El Hemmadi.
So, what do we have now? While international community in Geneva, Astana and Sochi tries to come to an agreement about the peaceful solution of the existing disagreements in Syria, Ankara cooperates with terrorists and pursues only its personal aims, not thinking about the consequences of its actions as well as well-being of Syrian people. It seems that this is «Turkish democracy» for Erdogan.