We see that today the USA has very serious problems of racial tension and violence. The murders of Freddie Gray in Baltimore and Michael Brown in Missouri and the latest sad events in Charleston evoked anxiety about that how human rights and democratic values are being constantly violated towards Black. Unfortunately loud and scandalous murders of unarmed and innocent black Americans by the police have already become commonplace. According to Washington Post, in 2015 nearly 400 people were killed by the police, the majority of them were black. Why do we have such problems after the years of continuous struggle for the rights of Black people?
All the police victims belong to a definite social class. It is impossible to find among them businessmen, media moguls, factory owners, bankers, financial speculators or other influential representatives of capitalist class. It seems to me that cops try to keep their hands off of such people. And all of these innocent, who were brutally killed or beaten, are mainly the representatives of working class. It is worth saying that the ruling class of the USA is the capitalist class, so it will take not much time to understand who is mostly subjected to be oppressed and manhandled by the police.
While the American bourgeoisie swims in luxury, the others suffer from severe unemployment and even starvation. Capitalists do not forget about inflation – we always see prices going up and living standards declining while prices of labor force stay the same. A higher percentage of socially unstable and helpless is expectedly among Black. The reasons of this are simple – the centuries of political, racial and social oppression, the lack of respect for basic human rights on the part of white people and their self-assurance in their exceptionality. Today in the “citadel of democracy” millions of black people live in ghetto deprived of basic decent working and living conditions. As a result it makes them vulnerable to any act of police terror and abuse.
Is it possible to change a situation? Yes, it is. But how? Anyway, while all working class Americans will be divided by race or ethnos, religion and culture, while they will be fighting with each other, they will never be able to unite their efforts against capitalist imperialism and police terror. Capitalistic elites follow the policy of “Divide et Impera” (“Devide and Rule”) by teaching white Americans and cops how to hate Black and Colour as a main threat to their well-being and prosperity. So the only way to save Black from imperialistic terror and abuse is to unite all working class people without any racial or cultural prejudices in their joint struggle against their common enemy – capitalism.