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The Extraordinary Congress of the Communist Party of Belarus held . “Socialismo Patriottico” participated with its own official delegation at the highest level, unique in Europe with the Czech Communists.

The Communist Party of Belarus officially supported Alexander Lukashenko as a candidate in the next presidential elections to be held in a few months and, foreseeing the risk that on that occasion outside forces will try to organize another attempt of “coloured revolution”, previously expressed throughout his condemnation of such actions.

The Extraordinary Congress was attended by delegates from many countries of the former Soviet Union: Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Georgia, and so on. Not missing a delegation of the Communist Party of Lugansk. The presence of ambassadors of countries like Syria, Ecuador, Palestine, etc, was large.

The presence of Kazbek Taysaev, first deputy chairman of SKP-KPSS (Union of Communist Parties of the Soviet Union) was remarkable too. The president of this organization is Ghennady Ziuganov. In this organization, our movement has been admitted as an observer member and “friend movement”.
Here the videos and photos on the State TV of Belarus:

Speech by Antonio Grego, delegate of “Socialismo Patriottico” to the Extraordinary Congress of the Communist Party of Belarus:

Estimated comrades, dear friends,

I would firstly like thank you for your invitation to this important event. As a representative of the political movement “Socialismo Patriottico”, I would like to explain the reasons that led to the formation of our organization.

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, a wave of neo-liberalism and decline has affected not only the countries of the COMECON, but also Western Europe, while the phase of unipolar global dominance of the United States of America was beginning. This wave has hit the world of work, collective security and the ethical and social values. During the ’90s for Italy a phase of depression and de-industrialization started: the great Italian strategic industries, many of them state-owned, have been privatized and sold cheaply to foreign industrial groups that often brought them to failure, or simply closed. At the same time, they were gradually demolished the social achievements obtained in years of hard struggle by our workers, by introducing new forms of temporary work, making us weaker and blackmailed against the big capital. Italian politicians of different parties have endorsed this project of destruction; which of them opposed it were hit by judicial scandals and forced to move away from politics. How do you explain this? Italy is under military, cultural and economic occupation by the United States of America since 70 years ago. The membership into NATO actually makes our country a colony without effective sovereignty. The presence of more than 100 US military installations on our territory and the strong American influence on our mass media to “tame” the Italian people to those who are the false values ​​of western capitalist society are two elements that make understandable the level of submission to which Italy is reduced. In United States plans, Italy is seen as an “aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean Sea”: an area with a weak economy and not competitive, in the throes of a “controlled disorder”, from which launch military operations against other states. As well as the internal affairs, the US control is almost complete even on foreign policy: Italy set off attacks against Yugoslavia in 1999 and against Libya in 2011. In In addition, our government has recently joined the unjust sanctions against Russian Federation.
All these actions are not only shameful on an ethical view, but have seriously damaged our economy. The chaos and the imperialist policies in North Africa and the Middle East generated a huge wave of migrants in addition to the millions of others who see Europe as a paradise of well-being. This vision is a mirage, because Europe has nothing to offer because of unemployment and the economic crisis. Nevertheless, the leaders of the European Union and Italy touting this false truth, in order to attract immigrants as many as possible to use as a “reserve army of capital,” create disorder, fueling crime and social unrest, regardless the high human cost of this operation.
In addition, by mass media they are continuously disseminateing degenerated social models aimed at destroying our national identity, our history and our culture. Even the institution of the family is affected in its central role in society. All this, combined with a general lack of confidence towards the future by young Italians recorded a drop in births that led the Italian population growth to 0%.
The final blow to this process of destruction is the Treaty on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment: a kind of “economic NATO” that will subordinate the European economy to the interests of big US corporations with catastrophic consequences and whose negotiations are taking place secretly anf without citizens’ consent.

The Italian political world is worn out and unable to mention any reaction, anchored to old political schemes now unreal. On the one hand we have a left-wing that refuses patriotism and the same concepts of nation and state, running out into the rhetoric of bourgeois cosmopolitanism, an ideology which goes hand in hand with the intentions of a globalized capitalism, stateless and anti-national. It pursues today decadent myths of the liberal leftism if United States: free drug, gender ideology, decline and so on. In other cases, it binds to a dogmatic and semi-religious Marxism-Leninism resulting in fact inconsistent in practice. On the other hand we have the right-wing anchored to a primitive anti-communism, speaking of patriotism and sovereignty without ever challenging US imperialism, on the contrary they see as champions of freedom and democracy, and that still does not offer any innovation in the social and economic fields . However, if the West failed to produce new political models, others will have succeeded.

We draw our bases from the great socialists and patriots of the Italian “Risorgimento”, we look to the success of modern socialist China, Cuba and Vietnam, but also in countries such as Brazil, in rapid development and whose government there are socialist parties, we carefully study the works of dynamic and realistic political leaders, we believe including the central role of the Russian Communist Gennady Zyuganov. Even Belarus, in which I have the honor of being, is an admirable example of statehood: the first among the countries that made up the Soviet Union to reject the logic of neo-liberalism and the destruction of the State’s structure. These choices and the able work of its President Alexander Lukashenko have rescued from situations like those currently affecting unfortunately Ukraine.

Looking at these examples, we have founded “Socialismo Patriottico”. Since its founding we have worked sn all fields, with public conferences, manifestations, information campaigns, dialogue with citizens and the Italian institutions. In particular we were the ONLY FIRST who opposed terrorism unleashed in Libya and Syria, supporting the governments of Muammar Gaddafi and Bashar Al Assad, despite a vicious hate campaign against us and them. We did the same on the Ukrainian crisis, iabout the young state of Novorossija, still attacked by the illegal junta who tooke power in Kiev with a coup, organizing a collection of humanitarian aid for the civilian population of Donbass and various information initiatives.

We are active in the field of labor and the fight against unemployment with an important initiative of popular shareholding with the aim to save the plant “Acciai Speciali Terni”-vital for workers and for Italy- that the property (the German company Thyssen Krupp ) would like to close.
We are close to the italian workers and families in difficulty making us spokesman of their problems with the Committee of National Solidarity. We also strive continuously to establish contacts between economic realities, especially with the BRICS countries, to raise the conditions of Italian business. In this respect, we carried out several actions against the sanctions to the Russian Federation, which are hitting our companies and which oppose all productive classes of Italy.
About the Eropean Union, though initially we were hopeful that its strengthens it would lead to a shift away from the US sphere of influence, today we oppose its institutions that clearly demonstrating not only subjection to North American imperialism, but they are revealed for what they are: a purely financial structure with the aim to exercise an usurer power against its members, as the example of Greece shows.

In conclusion, “Socialismo Patriottico” acts with the main objective to regain Italian sovereignty with the exit from NATO and the EU and the strengthening of relations with Russia and the BRICS.
We are the only ones in Italy which have identified the disease that afflicts our nation that is the United States of America and the symptoms of this disease: neoliberalism, mass unemployment, foreign military bases and uncontrolled immigration. Our action is resolved in the elimination of the disease and in the nullification of the symptoms. We are committed to the defense of the Italian identity, the rights of workers, public safety and in the search for solid economic and political ties with the sovereign countries in order to make Italy again a safe and prosperous country for its citizens.







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